Whale Watching and Shark Cage Diving in South Africa

Raggy Charters is a licensed boat-based Whale Watching permit holder and now also has a permit for Shark Cage Diving in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The most amazing marine life can be found in the Algoa Bay, also known as the Bottlenose Dolphin Capital of the World, this was an initiative of Raggy Charters in 2016.


What to Expect on Sea Cruises

African Penguins, Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Humpback Dolphins, Bryde’s Whales, Minke Whales, Southern Right Whales, Humpback Whales, Cape Fur Seals, various species of sharks (Great White Shark), Cape Gannets and various species of Pelagic Birds including Terns, Petrels, Skuas, Shearwaters and Albatrosses can be found in the Algoa Bay.



Algoa Bay becomes world's 5th Whale Heritage Site!

      16th June 2021    Dylan Walker CEO of World Cetacean Alliance:
"We are thrilled to announce that Algoa Bay, South Africa, has become the world's fifth Whale Heritage Site and the second in South Africa, following in the footsteps of The Bluff, Durban. 
Huge congratulations must go to WCA partners Lloyd Edwards, Jake Keeton, Purity Khosa and Karen Keeton of Raggy Charters and the Baywatch Project for their tireless efforts over many years working in collaboration with many other people to protect Algoa Bay and its cetaceans, penguins, sharks, and other marine life."


First Sighting of an Albino Bottlenose Dolphin in African waters, right here in algoa bay.. read about this special sighting. 'POPCORN' sighted again and again and AGAIN NOW 1yr and 9months oLd and looking healthy!  


                 Greatest Killer whale footage taken in ALGOA BAY - thank you Purity Khosa 



 A new and different project for us: assisting UCT and the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation with their sunfish Research - if you are at sea and spot a sunfish, here is what to do to help! 

Raggy Charters' Accreditations

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